Bulk Hiring

Bulk Hiring

Our bulk hiring process guarantees you: Reliability Our team of bulk hirers work closely with managers to get best talent out.

Bulk Hiring

Any growing business today is in all probability a business that brings the products or services or experiences to the end customer. With digitalization and the age of technologically induced comfort, things reach the end customer, ever wondered how? Through the company representatives.

These are people you hire in high numbers and not really have them go through a series of interviews or much scrutiny. Companies have their basic criteria of selection stated, and there is a screening method that needs to be followed.

These are people that represent the brand to the end customer, and reviews and brand image depend on them. So bulk-hiring becomes a little tricky, and we customize our solutions based on your unique requirements. Following are the solutions we provide companies that bulk-hire people:

Technological tools to screen resumes

When bulk-hiring in India, because of the populations and employment ratios the response can be intimidating for any recruitment manager. The concept of bulk-hiring doesn’t allow the screening of resumes one-by-one personally, which is why we screen resumes by filtering them with the keywords that are the selection criteria for your company. It is the educational qualification, Technical or Mechanical soundness, languages known, etc.

Our technological tools help in screening volumes of resumes in a negligible amount of time and we create a bank of suitable candidates for you. The time saved in the screening process can then be utilized by the company in developing training strategies for these selected candidates.


Database of suitable candidates

We collaborate with colleges and institutions across the country and identify the unique kind of candidates that will be best suitable for your business and provide you with a suitable database of candidates.

We pay attention to the details and specifications that you are looking for in your workforce and find that workforce for you.


Post hiring assistance

When there is bulk hiring the nature of the job becomes volatile, so policies need to be made accordingly for the smooth functioning of the company, we at Shrofile understand the importance of that.

We assist you to develop reward policies that motivate the workforce to deliver more in order to win some reward.

Appreciation on over-achievement of targets in form is reward is helpful in the numbers for the company and also for the employee’s retention. We assist you with training suggestions for these employees and other administrative tasks for efficient result-oriented functioning.

We are also available for listening to your unique needs for bulk-hiring for your business, feel free to contact us by clicking on the contact us button. We wish you a dream workforce.

Interested in knowing more? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

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